Lenka Pincot

Chief of Staff to the CEO

Project Management Institute

Lenka Pincot is a leader in organizational transformation and strategic change. She focuses on developing organizational agility by building a culture of effective teams and linking business and IT strategies. Her expertise excels in setting strategic transformation visions, managing complex change, creating customer benefits and coaching agile teams. During her career, she gained experience across a number of industries in the Czech Republic and abroad. Lenka manages agile transformations, digitization and innovation.

Lenka holds Master of Science in Computer Science, Software Engineering, and has several international certifications in digital transformation, project management, and agile methods.

Lenka works as Chief of Staff to the CEO at Project Management Institute (PMI), leads the international community on Digital Transformation, lectures on System Thinking within the EMBA program of the University of Vienna, and is an active mentor in the organization Odyssey supporting women’s professional growth.


Transformation Manifesto: Co-creation workshop to increase transformation success!

“Birds of Feathers sit together” …together on the same wave…

People with similar interests and goals often find a common language and inspire each other. At the 15th annual Project, Agile & Leadership conference, we put the British idiom “Birds of Feathers” into practice and developed it into four thematic areas. This platform aims to promote reflection and joint discussion on specific topics and issues and, of course, joint networking. Let’s come together to seek new perspectives, share previous experience and create a space for the exchange of ideas. We invite you to join the discussion and networking and look forward to flying together towards new possibilities.

BoF Transformation, C-level management – a case study and discussion aimed at those involved in managing transformation, working on transformation and C-level management. BoF is facilitated by Lenka Pincot.


Last year, Lenka Pincot talked about the practical issues with enterprise-wide transformations. This year you’ll have an opportunity to join her co-creation workshop to share your experience and form a Transformation Manifesto!

With the rapid speed of changes impacting entire industries, company business models and society in general, perpetual transformation became a new norm. Yet the success rates are still alarmingly low. What can be done better? Join us for the interactive Think-Tank workshop to contribute to the future success of transformation to be undertaken.

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