Michal Papež

Project manager

Deutsche Börse AG

Michal Papež works as an IT project manager at Deutsche Börse (German stock exchange with shares and other securities). The projects he leads are often connected to banks, securities depositories and regulators.

He brings an agile mindset to a traditionally oriented and heavily regulated financial institution. He has a technical background. He went through the roles of programmer and line manager.


Agility in heavily regulated financial institution – case study CSDR

“Birds of Feathers sit together” …together on the same wave…

People with similar interests and goals often find a common language and inspire each other. At the 15th annual Project, Agile & Leadership conference, we put the British idiom “Birds of Feathers” into practice and developed it into four thematic areas. This platform aims to promote reflection and joint discussion on specific topics and issues and, of course, joint networking. Let’s come together to seek new perspectives, share previous experience and create a space for the exchange of ideas. We invite you to join the discussion and networking and look forward to flying together towards new possibilities.

BoF Agility in projects – a case study on how to use agile elements in a project, aimed at people involved in project management, but also at scrum masters or product managers. BoF is facilitated by Petr Lev.


Let’s have a look together at how agile we can be in a heavily regulated industry when implementing regulatory requirements. Our basis will be a case study of the CSDR Settlement Discipline regulation implementation in Eurex Clearing: the regulation determining the fine paid by traders on stock exchange for each day of delay, the collection of the fine by central securities depositories and its subsequent redistribution among participants.

We will cover:

  • External dependencies and stakeholders
  • Project timeline
  • Where we used agile practices
  • Our lessons learned
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