Martin Klušoň

Managing Director in Symphera, Honorary President of KPM


Martin helps clients on major projects, with agile transformations, set ups of PMO and many other activities. He is known for his openness, sincerity and fairness. Clients appreciate not only his experience, but especially his ability to easily explain technical and difficult topics.

Martin, please, introduce yourself to us. Who are you, what characterizes you and what are your life goals?

I am comprehensive in my roles because I am, I dare say, an experienced project manager, consultant and trainer. In addition to project management, I have been increasingly interested in strategic concepts such as transformation, leadership and consulting in the area of management of organizations. So my main goal is the development of both my own company and the companies of others.

My passion is intertwined with three areas. Searching for and acquiring new knowledge, testing of such knowledge in practice and building my own skills, as well as the skills of those who surround me. What I enjoy most is passing on my experience. All the three areas are extremely important, but the hardest thing is to do the work and thus build the skills and the know-how.

The theme of the 13th year of the Conference is “Tips & Tricks”. What are the main ideas you will want to talk about?

The lecture you can look forward to combines my three favorite areas – projects (or programs), agility and leadership. And one of the technical or hard things, as well as the philosophical or soft things, is a vision. A vision is about being able to see the finish line we want to reach one day. In the reality of projects or agility, it is necessary to agree on the final goal. From it we derive the rest of the steps of project management, increasing the chance of customer satisfaction greatly.

How would you describe a person marked as Experienced Professional or working with know-how and skill?

They are knowledgeable, they understand what they do. They have experience but also demonstrable skills. And an ability to pass it on is the cherry on top of a cake.


VISION – the source of direction, energy and unity

Close your eyes, move to near future and look around. What do you see? Did you feel the boost of energy? Good! So, open your eyes and share your vision to get others on board and energized.

Finding and Sharing a VISION is a crucial part of Program, Agile and Leadership. Let me show you why. And let me add some tips and tricks.

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