Pavlína Louženská

Founder and consultant


Pavlína consults product, marketing and business primarily for technological startups and lifestyle brands. Over the past year, she helped 300+ companies in many countries across Europe not only as Google’s Lead Mentor for Startups for Europe and Africa. She founded the #HolkyzMarketingu platform with over 28,000 members. She is a board member of Transparency International and a certified Google coach for Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship. She received scholarships from the Young Transatlantic Innovative Leaders Initiative Fellowship, the Czech-German Young Professionals and the Aspen Institute Young Leaders. She sits on the jury of TechStars Startup Weekend, Cannes Young Lions or the European Commission Social Innovation Competition and regularly hosts Startup Disrupt Female Leaders and Design Thinking Talks. In 2020, she was nominated  the Ecosystem Hero of the Year by Global Startup Awards and Hospodářské noviny selected her as one of the 20 people who defined 2020. She writes on pavlinaspeaks.com

The theme of the 13th year of the Conference is “Tips & Tricks”, sharing know-how and skills. What area do you consider yourself to be experienced?

In Design Thinking workshops alone, I met 1,500 people in the last 12 months. That’s why at first glance I appear so spontaneous and calm on stage. It’s the result of hundreds of hours spent on writing the script, preparation and feedback. But I enjoy it all the more now.

Why is experience sharing, ie passing Tips & Tricks, important?

Every year I meet with 300+ startups as a mentor and each meeting confirms to me that even though we start the session as a Mentor and Mentee, both sides feel as if they were in both of the roles by the end. While I’m learning how AI works in Ghana, they are learning how to fill the Value Proposition Canvas. And thanks to mutual exchange, exceptional things can happen.


Design Thinking: Let’s get real

You’ve read the book, you’ve seen the TED talk, but now it’s time to apply Design Thinking on a real business. During an interactive workshop, Pavlína will lead you through the Design Thinking process. She’s going to illustrate the exercises with first hand case studies and hard data. So you can start applying the framework in your company the moment the workshop is finished.

Tip: You can’t just listen to this workshop, prepare to get dirty. That’s the best way to learn.

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