Martina Kučová

HR director


Martina is the HR Director of PwC. She is responsible for strategic goals in the field of human resources with an emphasis on adaptability and digitization of society and the individual. She is very happy to help others discover their talents and passions and encourages them on their way to achieving their personal and professional goals.

She is an experienced mentor and coach. She actively participates in a number of inter-company mentoring programs such as Odyssea or MyGrowSpace

For 12 years, she has led an extensive portfolio of audit engagements in accordance with Czech and international accounting standards across industries. In the past, she worked as CFO at Raiffeisenbank or CFO of derivatives at TD Securities in Canada.

Since 2019, he has represented the Czech Republic in the ACCA International Assembly.

She is also very active in the field of socially responsible activities and is an ambassador of CSR activities at PwC.

Outside of work, she relaxes during alpine hikes or yoga exercises. She loves great food and wine. She is the mother of three teenage children.


Family or career? We can make it (together).

Of course, the careers of women (mothers) also affect the lives of men (fathers). Those who have gone through this know that not every day there is  enlightenment , but it works. When and how to deal with the woman’s return to work after maternity leave? What circumstances can influence or facilitate decision-making? How to combine family and work life so that it is not a complete trouble? What impact does endless managerial work and projects have on the family? During an open moderated discussion of 3 generations of women (Václava Jersáková, Martina Kučová and Petra Rejsová), we will share with you real experiences, stories, failures and successes that can inspire you in further decisions. The discussion will be arranged by an experienced project manager, husband and father Michal Korf.

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