Tomáš Tureček

Transformational coach, mentor, founder of RainFellows

Tomáš Tureček is the co-founder of the company RainFellows, where as a consultant with deep knowledge of Agile/Lean he transforms companies to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Over the past 20 years, he has worked his way through many roles from IT developer to management to co-owner of several companies, where he applies the same thinking and principles and he passes it on to others.

In addition to business, he is an active participant in communities and professional networks such as RedButton. His passion is building companies and projects in a way that combines high efficiency and impact with a culture of collaboration and openness.


Alone we are smart, together we are brilliant


Sharing is the best form of learning. And in communities, this is doubly true. That’s why we’re going to take a hands-on look at how you can use the Mastermind technique in your own company in any community to get help or input from colleagues. We’ll put together the topics you’re currently addressing and harness the power of the group. All this in a safe environment where we won’t judge, but instead we will try to put on the shoes of the person who brings the topic for a while. If you don’t currently have a topic yourself, that’s fine, come offer your expertise to others. Why? Because alone we are smart, but together we are brilliant.

We will conclude the workshop with examples of organizations of different sizes that use communities every day to move forward.

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