Martin Klusoň

CEO Symphera; Honorary President of KPM


Martin Klusoň is one of the most prominent faces in project management in the Czech Republic. He is a respected lecturer, consultant and mentor. In his role as CEO, he likes sharing his visions across the company and he emphasizes values. He has trained thousands of project managers, product owners and scrum masters in the Czech Republic, Europe and the USA. He helps clients on major projects, with agile transformations, PMO setup and many other activities. He is often invited by board members to help them with changes in corporate governance. He is known for his openness, sincerity and fairness. Clients appreciate not only his experience but also his ability to easily explain difficult topics. Martin is the founder and honorary president of the Chamber of Project Managers in the Czech Republic. He regularly holds lectures and writes professional articles.


Panel discussion: Transform to Win

Under a motto “Transform to Win” let’s explore the transformative journeys of successful winners. Our panelists are all very experienced CEOs with diverse backgrounds, including political roles. They are ready to share their insights and strategies covering topics like passion, vision and personal goals as a driver for transformation, leadership and core values necessary to drive success, the role of people –  should transformation start with people or processes? Speed of transformation – the role of agile in achieving rapid and effective transformations or insights on how to deliver projects and programms successfully in VUCA world. And of course – what are our posibilities and responsibilities in transforming our society.

Discussants will be: Violeta Luca (CEO Vodafone), Tatiana Le Moigne (ex CEO Google), Martin Vohánka (CEO Eurowag), Pavol Lančarič (ex Minister of Transporation SK, ex CEO Orange SK). The discussion will be held in English and moderated by Martin Klusoň (CEO Symphera).

Birds of Feathers – C-level management

“Birds of Feathers sit together” …together on the same wave…

People with similar interests and goals often find a common language and inspire each other. At the 16th annual Project, Agile & Leadership conference, we put the British idiom “Birds of Feathers” into practice and developed it into thematic areas. This platform aims to promote reflection and joint discussion on specific topics and issues and, of course, joint networking. Let’s come together to seek new perspectives, share previous experience and create a space for the exchange of ideas. We invite you to join the discussion and networking and look forward to flying together towards new possibilities.

Annotation: “Vision? Delivered!”

Birds of Feathers is a creative format where individuals are invited to discuss a particular topic based on their roles. This session focuses on CEOs, exploring the theme “Vision? Delivered!” Facilitated by Roman Senecký and Martin Klusoň, this discussion will be grounded in practical experience and habits sharing rather than hypothetical or theoretical concepts. In the first half, we will share insights on working with personal and company visions.

The second half will address how to be competitive by delivering these visions rapidly – using project and agile delivery. Jitka Jungmanová (exceptional scatchnoter) will capture the essence of our conversation for everybody to take advantage from the destilled wisdom.

This session is by invitation only.

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