How to succeed in your career

Annotation of the lecture is currently being prepared.
7. May 2024

Annotation of the lecture is currently being prepared.

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Cancellation policy 2024

Cancellation policy 2024 Cancellation fee 10 % of the registration fee will be applied for cancellations received more than 60 days before the conference. Cancellation fee 30 % of the registration fee will be applied for cancellations received between 59 to 31 days before the conference. Cancellation fee 50 % of the registration fee will be applied for […]


Contact person: Ludmila Kopáčková Phone: +420 737 505 328 E-mail: Contact for registration/invoices: Štěpánka Bodláková Phone: +420 724 854 936 E-mail:; Conference venue: Cubex centre Prague – Na Strži 2097/63, 140 00 Praha 4 HOW TO GET THERE: Cubex centre Prague does not have dedicated car park. You can park your car: in the parking lot of shopping centre Arkády, […]